
Airsoft Sniper Scope: What to use?

Airsoft Sniper Scope Introduction

So while I’m waiting on some parts turning up, yes…for the VSR Gspec build 🙂 I thought I’d put down some general comments and tips on choosing a suitable Airsoft Sniper Scope.

When it comes to choosing a scope for your Airsoft Sniper rifle there are literally hundreds to choose from.

Everyone will have their own preference on what Airsoft Sniper Scope they’d like to use, but there are a few things to keep in mind.

Cheap scopes are rarely ever that good, a lot of the time the windage/elevation adjustments are poor, the scope loses zero, focus isn’t great etc

That being said…….there are some great affordable scopes which work well.

Considering the ranges that you’ll be engaging it and that we are ultimately shooting small plastic balls, you don’t need to go for a huge airsoft sniper scope with 24 x zoom. anything between 3-9 is more than adequate. The higher magnification levels are good for spotting, but certainly not tracking your BB.

I’ve personally got this particular airsoft sniper scope on my personal rifle, I stumbled across it on Ebay (link here) and thought I’d give it a go.


Here’s how mine looks on my ASG M40a3, obviously mine has been painted to match the rifle.

Airsoft Sniper Scope


I chose this particular scope as I liked the look and the fact it had lockable turrets, this essentially means you can adjust the windage/elevation then tighten the nut below and it’ll look it in place and keep zero. This is especially handy should you fall over and you rifle fall down a small bank……..also on a separate and unrelated note the scope is quite rugged and could survive a small fall.

This scope is a 3-9×40 which I find perfect for Airsoft Snipers, the eye relief is good and the picture is clear. An additional bonus is it has an illuminated recticle (Red, Blue, Green).

The scope has a standard Mil-Dot crosshair which is really handy when it comes to judging range and wind etc, allowing you to use the dots as reference points for follow up shots.

Nikko Sterling make some great scopes between £50-£100, they have amazing clarity and build quality, alongside a lot of the VisonKing items too.

Another important factor to consider when purchasing a scope for your Airsoft Sniper Rifle is what you’ll be mounting it to. Some Sniper Rifles have very low clearance between the mounting point and the rest of the gun such as the outer barrel or the bolt handle. Check this before purchasing to ensure you pick the right mounts such as high or low mounts.

In addition scopes generally come 2 different tube diameters 30mm and 25 mm, so make sure you get the correct size

Once you’ve chosen your scope, head over to JayBritish’s youtube channel for helpful videos on how to zero the scope.


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